Friday, February 17, 2012

The "IT" Moment

 The "IT" Moment
So here we were, a year later and still together. Now remember, I wasn't quite the party girl but I also wasn't naive to peer pressure, the what ifs or just plain ol' curiosity. Teens talk. Rumors? Sometimes. Truth disguised as jokes- a lot. Of course there were girls and guys in my circle of friends who talked about their sexual encounters. They just weren't shown on an MTV reality show. I mean, wow, that's all those people do! "G"-go out to clubs, "T"- talk to strangers and "L"- love 'em & leave 'em (one night stand style).

    At the very least, in our neck of the woods, sex was usually encompassed in a relationship, well, at least back in the day. Not that it makes it any more "right" or more moral than one night stands because it doesn't. But at least sex seemed to be viewed as the next step in a couple's relationship rather than just a hook-up. Teen love, first love, puppy love or whatever you choose to call it is a very powerful feeling, especially for a girl. This is her prince. This may actually be the guy she will marry. There is simply no way this relationship will ever end. Sound familiar?

    And I was no different. Mike wasn't my first boyfriend, nor was he my first crush or puppy love. So, when I say I was in love with him, I just knew it was different than anything I had ever felt. He would be my forever love. Mike was pretty darn good at being a gentleman and sex wasn't really discussed. Us southern girls just don't talk about that stuff, do we? But sometimes, things do get a little heated and you wonder.... is this the right moment?

    I loved him. He loved me. We were in this for the long haul weren't we? So why wouldn't we? Now let me just stop for a minute and throw a few things out there. For the guys, sex is a pretty easy decision. They do not have the same emotional make up that girls have. It's a no brainer to the guys. For a young girl who thinks she's in love, it becomes much more. She may feel like if she goes all the way with him that a strong bond will be formed that he would never want to break. She may feel like if she doesn't, he'll leave her. Sure he may love her but there are a lot of other girls out there right? She may just feel that sharing such intimacy will prove to him how much she really loves him.

    So which one of those did I feel? A little of all them. There was one night that a bunch of us went camping out in the middle of a field. Tents, campfire and a never ending supply of beer for the guys. NOOOO, none for me remember? I'd just cry the whole night. Well, camping the entire night with no curfew (no, my parents didn't know quite where I was) was pretty romantic and exciting. Inside our tent, Mike & I got a bit cozy. Gotcha! Nope, didn't happen that night. Close though! A few dates later, it DID happen. No turning back now. This was it. We would be together forever. After all, that's what doing that means right?  That was the summer of 1986. (insert a little 80's love song here please)
...... to be continued....

Life Lesson #3: Love may- with a big emphasis on may- conquer all, but sex just usually complicates it.

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