Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Can Love Conquer ALL?

Boy meets girl. Crazy for each other. Date for a long while then get married. Children are born. Marriage is hard work. Raising children is hard work. Fighting happens. But the marriage hangs on. Kids start school. New focus. Parents make new friends with other parents. Little couple time. More kid time. Sports. Dads talk. Moms gossip. Marriage hangs on. Children get older. Couple has forgotten how to just be together. All about the kids. Life is a blur of busyness. Schedules to keep. Children & jobs are time consuming. Couple drifts apart. But marriage hangs on. Children are now teens. New stresses. More money needed. Job becomes more important. Blur of busyness continues. Time flies. Couple has gotten older. But not closer. Love is there. Time together is not. Job, home responsibilities, ball games, family night. No time for couple time. But marriage hangs on. Children start graduating. First one, then another. Schedule lightens. But couple is a bit lost. Who is that in the mirror? Who is this spouse? Different people now. Maturity has happened for boy. Maturity has happened for girl. But conversations about future didn't happen much. Where to go from here? Goals are different. Views on life are different. But love is still there. The marriage holds on. But by a thread. Communication has not been reestablished. Kids are gone- now what? Boy works hard, enjoys home. Girl likes to socialize. How to compromise? One has dreams. Other is about the here and now. How to compromise? Lead separate lives? Is that possible? Will marriage survive? Not likely. Compromise is the answer. But how? Little compromises are easy. Big ones change the true self. Can boy continue to love this girl who's changed? Can girl continue to love boy if compromise is done to fit his viewpoint? Will love stay if one changes to make other happy? Is love strong enough? One changes to make other happy. Little resentments build. Why can't each be who they are? Can they be their true self and stay together? Odds not good. But love is there. Surely there's an answer. Or is there? Give up true self? Or give up each other? Marriage still hangs on. But for how much longer?

(see next post for related topic to this post!)

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