So, you've read the short story and now here's the conversation that I want ALL of you to get in on please! I am doing some research and surveys to write some articles for Southern Belle Magazine about relationships. More specifically, how to have a long and happy marriage in this day & time when divorce is so easy. Yes, it's quite easy to say, "just never give up, divorce is not an option", but HOW do you work through issues for that to be true? What are the little secrets to keeping a marriage together? Below is a list of questions that I would love for you to give your opinion on! Whether it's something you've experienced personally or just an idea of what you think would work in a situation.
1) Money- keep separate accounts or joint? And, does one person handle or should they do together?
2) Kids- how do you agree on discipline? do you equally share duties with the children or should the mother shoulder more? Should the kids be allowed to sleep in the bed with the parents?
3) Housework- equally share or how do you divide the chores? What are some secrets to not fighting over the little pet peeves such as clothes left on the floor?
4) Careers- should the wife stay home? Is it ok if the wife makes more money? Who should be the stay at home parent or should either if they both love their career?
5) Family- in-laws & such: how important is it that each get along with their spouse's family?
6) Couple Time- how do find alone time when you have children in the home? How important is date night? What are some tips or little secrets to keep the spark alive?
7) Fighting- is it healthy? What's the best way to discuss issues? How do you compromise when you both have different viewpoints?
8) Errands- divide equally or is it more of the wife's responsibility?
9) Goals- do you make goals together? If you have different goals, how do you mesh them?
10) Personalities- so opposites may have attracted, but how do you blend them into a happy life together? He's a realist, she's a dreamer. He's a homebody, she likes to go out. Can compromises be made without changing one's true self?
11) Friends- mutual friends always? Or is it ok if each has their own friends and sometimes does things with them that doesn't include the spouse?
12) Bottom Line: IS love really enough to conquer all?
So there you have it. If I've missed something, please let me know! Your feedback will help in the writing of this series of articles so I am VERY interested in what you have to say!
Until next time,